Too soon for Christmas ads?
Summer seems like yesterday, my shorts are in the dresser and my coats are in the loft. Does anyone else feel as though autumn has crept up pretty quickly?
And it’s not just autumn that’s at our door steps, If you've popped into your local supermarket lately, you are likely to have already seen Christmas goodies are starting to appear. There are hints of Christmas sales throughout the isles and the huge tins of celebrations and quality streets are out. It is me or do the shops promote Christmas earlier each year?
Although it seems as though it’s really too early to think about Christmas, before you know it it's going to be December and the perfect gift won’t be on the shelves forever, so get it when you see it or you will be kicking yourselves later.
Just remember, there aren’t many weekends left until the big day. And that also stands in regards to booking your end of year party at work, it’s time you thought about it if you haven’t already, December is a few winks away and dates for our Moonlinght & Mistletoe Christmas Parties are filling up fast. Start buying your Christmas gifts, and get in touch for your Christmas party before it’s too late.
We love that the stores are celebrating the build up to Christmas, as you know, we love this time of year and could even go as far as saying the festive build up is better than Christmas day.(Slight over exaggeration)
What do you think of the early promotions of Christmas? Is it too soon, or do you love the long build up to Christmas as much as we do? Here are some previous comments in regards to the amount of Christmas promotion in October, leave yours below
"It's too early but if you don't buy it now, it's gone," says Rebecca Kotter, 55, as she picks out wrapping ribbons.
"I'd rather it was later. You know, let's first get through Halloween! But you've got to grab it because they get rid of their ribbons very quickly."
Others say it's less stressful to start early and there are more bargains at this time of year.
If you're starting to think about Christmas shopping then here's how much time you've got to start planning the perfect gift
There are 86 shopping days until Christmas. That’s equivalent to 12 weekends! Pull those socks up and get bagging those bargains!