Top 5 funny christmas gifts ideas
Looking for the best Christmas party? Make sure you head over to our booking page! Face Beer MatsPrefect for the party host type of people, This can be a great laugh for the family and friends!Wine Bottle GlassWe all have that one friend who drinks too much wine! This is the perfect gift!Y...

Top 5 Christmas movies for 2016
If your looking for an amazing Christmas party make sure you head over to our website!Home aloneOh yes, The classic Home alone watched for years, this never ending comedy of a boy being left over christmas while the house is getting robbed there cant be a better Christmas film!GremlinsFor some ...

Top 8 myths about Christmas
If your looking to book the best Christmas party there is. Head over to our website! Office Decorations Putting up decorations in the office has always been allowed, people say 'Health and Safety' doesn't allow it when the truth is that its the way they are put up for example using a ...

10 Cool Office Christmas Party Ideas
1. Secret SantaThe typical secret Santa is a classic, put everybody's names into a hat and everyone picks a name at random and buys that person a gift! make sure you keep it a secret to who you get!2. Fancy dressGetting the office to come in there best fancy dress is always a great time! You could a...

Dos and Dont's at A Office Christmas Party
Going to a office Christmas party this year? ( hopefully one of our parties )Make sure you look at these tips so you don't make a fool of yourself! ------------------The Do List------------------1. Be preparedAlways make sure you are ready for the party on time and don't turn up late,...

What British people do when it's Christmas
We have made a list of the things only us Brits do at Christmas time, if your looking to book a Christmas party this year make sure you check out our website for some great Christmas parties!1. Crazy Christmas lights2. The Tree hunt3. Pet Cloths4. Chocolate5. Christmas Adverts6. The snowman Fil...

Book Your Christmas Party for Early December
A lot of you are probably wondering, “It is too late to start planning for Christmas!” well from experience, we have learnt that it is never too early to start preparing for Christmas 2016. In fact, the earlier the better. Waiting for the last minute to start planning your Christmas party brings...

Pros and Cons of a Shared Christmas Party
Shared Christmas parties are when you share a venue and experience with other companies, they a very popular at the moment. But for those who haven’t yet attended a shared Christmas party and if you are wondering whether you should book one this year, here are our pros and cons of a shared office ...

Why You Should Book Your Office Party Early
Christmas is very too far away, whether you love it or hate it, Christmas is already at your finger tips. But, now that you are thinking about your planning, you have no excuse to leave things until the last minute. You will save yourself some sleepless nights and fall outs if you being your Christ...

Saving Money on your Christmas Party
At the end of the year, we know that letting your hair down and relaxing is important to you, but we also know that not every company has a huge Christmas party budget. Although we know that Christmas parties boost morale, engage employees and are an all-round benefit to companies, some don’t have...

Best Corporate Christmas Party Ideas in UK
It’s the time of year when you will begin talking about your Christmas party and what to do for your end of year celebration. For some, it can be difficult to think of something that you will all like. Here are some of the most popular Christmas party ideas. Karaoke Night Karaoke can be ...

Tips for Budget Xmas Parties
When it comes to yearly budgets, companies don’t always think about giving large chunks to the end of year Christmas party, even though it is proven to be a huge investment for them, it’s no secret that Christmas parties sometimes fall to the waist side. While we know that Christmas parties a...